Taking Advantage of Annual Boosts to School IT Funding (E-Rate)

Taking Advantage of Annual Boosts to School IT Funding (E-Rate)

The E-Rate program, also known as the Schools and Libraries Program, is a government-funded program in the United States that provides discounts on internet access and telecommunications services for eligible schools and libraries. The program was established by the...
DOF Grant Assessment

DOF Grant Assessment

DOF Creations helps public sector and non-profit organizations identify grants that can support IT operations and expansion needed to better support those they serve. Additionally, DOF can help with the grant process, providing as much assistance with grant planning,...
DOF & Rubrik Data Protection

DOF & Rubrik Data Protection

DOF and Rubrik utilize powerful data management solutions to assist SLED entities in managing and protecting their data while streamlining IT operations to save time and resources. We are proud to partner with Rubrik to bring you this powerful technology. DOF and...