Fortinet Event


The Security Fabric: Fortinet’s Answer to Defense-in-Depth

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The traditional network perimeter is now open, allowing apps and data to move freely across multiple network edges to meet evolving business demands.


New edges emerge, and attack services rapidly expand, leaving traditional security solutions unable to keep up.  According to Gartner, “By 2024, organizations adopting a cybersecurity mesh architecture to integrate security tools to work as a collaborative ecosystem will reduce the financial impact of individual security incidents by an average of 90%”


Fill out the form below to join Fortinet and DOF Creation’s virtual webinar event:


May 10, 2023 at 2 p.m. EST


Secure your edge with a single operating system.


The rapid evolution and sophistication of cyberattacks and the migration of assets to the hybrid multicloud create a perfect storm.


Security and risk leaders must integrate security tools into a cooperative ecosystem using a composable and scalable cybersecurity mesh architecture approach.